Friday, July 18, 2014

Onward and Upward

These past weeks I was stuck - mired in the bog of shame and regret.
Sinking quick in the muck of sorrow and regret.

The sting of sin hit and I was left grasping the reality that the consequences for a hardened heart have a far-reaching effect... years later.

Here's what I learned:
Focusing on what is behind me leaves me in the past.

I hurt for what was instead of finding joy in what is.

My eyes become blind to the here and now and I simply can't see the goodnes of the Lord.

I found myself coming to Paul's idea in his letter to the church in Phillipi.  He had written to them while imprisoned, exhorting them to a deeper faith made manifest that was not based on their circumstances.

 "But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind
 and straining forward to what lies ahead. 
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call
of God in Christ Jesus."
 (Phillipians 3:13-14)

1) struggle
2) try hard

The NIV uses "strain."
Strain: to exert to the utmost

I'll be honest.
In my focusing on my "could have, should have, if only's" I was deep in darkness wondering, "how long, O Lord?"

How long until the hurt is gone?
How long until I see the goodness in this?
How long until the pain is not so bitter?

That part was easy.  There is not much exertion when it comes to wallowing in self-pity.

Where I struggled was turning my eyes outward instead of inward.  Finding joy in what I have instead of what I wanted took great strength.

But in fixing my eyes outward and forward and upward, I found the beauty of what Paul was conveying to his flock.

This life is but a breath.  One day I'll fade away and that will be it.
So why keep looking back on the brokenness and what lies in ruins?

I need to press onward, running headlong with abandonment into eternity.

Jesus is there.  And he has already cried, "It is finished."

Victory is mine.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

An Unknown Doer

Sunday night found me breaking literal bread with a group of beautiful friends, doubled over with laughter as we played the most ridiculous game ever.  Ever.

Monday found me driving back to my old hometown to spend the night with a dear friend where time had passed too quickly in between visits.  We sat until 2:30 in the morning, sharing and laughing, confessing and encouraging.

Tuesday found me lakeside with a precious woman who has faith that puts me to shame and always spurs me on to live life now.

Wednesday found me back home, sitting with a woman and marching our way through Acts as we both learn.  Her hungry to learn more of God and me aching to just get more.

Community.  Fellowship.
And a complete accident.

As I've been wrestling these past couple of weeks with sin and regret, I've pleaded with the Lord to give me joy in the here and nowNow.  With nothing changed and no promise that it will get better.

And true to form, he did.

Bittersweet, as I'm still wrestling.  As I'm fighting hard to not let my heart become so.  As I'm putting my nose to the grind and my hands to the wheel, determined to not give up on this race.

But he gave me a glimpse of what life is if I would stop focusing on what it isn't.

He alone has alotted my times and boundaries and seasons.
He alone is good and does good.
He alone is my Sustainer.

It has gotten me far more of him than I thought I could have right now.  It has had me far more joyful than I thought possible right now.

And for that, I lift my hands and give him back all that he has given.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Psalm 3:3
But you, O Lord, are a shield about me,
my glory,
and the lifter of my head.
The Lord is my shield.
The Lord is my shield.
The Lord is my shield.
The Lord is my shield.
When my knees have been knocked out from under me.
When I can't seem to catch my breath.
When I literally can't fix what is broken...
I have only to be still.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Far Reaching

It hits hard.  Some days more than others.
The regrets.  The shame.  The "if only's."

Yesterday I felt the weight, the burden, the reality of sin.

The sting of sin.  The consequences of sin.  The fact that there are no do-overs. 
It had me on the floor, grieving in such a way I couldn't catch my breath.  The cry that you don't want anyone to see.

I sat in the reality that we sinned, regretted it, and still face the consequences years later.

We looked at each other this morning - one weary with crying and one just weary.

So many things, we said.  So many things that we wish could be undone.

And yet, they can't.  It has rightly been said, "It is what it is."

Yes and no.

It is what it is because of sin, because of the brokenness that has existed from the first disobedience.
It is not what it should be but shall one day be again.  Jesus comes back.

All ready he has risen victorious.  All ready he has defeated sin and the grave.

He has bore my shame and iniquity.

There are no do-overs in this thing called life.  That hurts more than you can imagine at this moment.

Yet, I have to put my focus on the Lord and speak his truth to my broken heart.

Psalm 119:68
For you, O God, are good and you do good.