We have, in the Bible, the believer and non-believer.
In America, we have the Christian, agnostic and atheist.
The term Chrisitan has started giving me a very bad taste in my mouth.
"Our school is very Christian."
"She's a good Christian girl."
"I want to raise my kids in a Christian household."
All of sudden, God is small. We've downsized Him into something less than awe-inspiring, worthy of our adoration and complete submissiveness.
If we listen to the right type of music, throw up a desperate plea occasionally, have a Bible in our house, have our "faith", and don't wear a bikini, somehow we're "Christian." We've attached ourself to things far beyond our understanding and knowledge.
I cringed when I read why it's called the God Particle. Because the guy who studied it for so long wrote a book and wanted it to be called The God-expletive Particle and it was shortened (cnn.com).
We laugh.
But it's not humorous. For those that have a deep, pursuing relationship with the Lord, our sin makes us cringe, Christ's death humbles us, and we stand star-struck at the beauty of His creation.
For those that do not believe, He is something to be belittled, mocked and explained away by science.
For the agostic, He's waiting for proof of a God.
Ever held a newborn baby who just one hour earlier had not drawn one breath in 9 months?
Every felt the sun on your skin?
Ever see the waves crash to shore and be drawn out again?
Can you explain why and how we have gravity?
On and on I could go. It's why God questions Job the way He does when Job feels he deserves answers. In essence, God is unfathomable, His greatness unsearchable...
Jesus Himself tells us that narrow is the path and few are on it. If that doesn't strike fear in your heart, you might want to check it.
Daily, I'm asking... "Is that me? Will I stand before His throne and He will tell me to depart for He does not know me?"
Far more likely will be those that don't question and will bend their knee and see the glory of God for only a moment before a hellish eternity swallows them up.
But we laugh. We harden our heart. We turn to our other gods.
And in the end, no matter what, God is glorified. And He is good because of it.
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