The reality is our reality is not a reality.
We have government assistance programs so we can get our hair done and beer bought.
We have television shows detailing unwedded, teenage moms and their love triangles.
We have a war over a food chain because they believe in traditional and biblical marriage.
Seriously? This is what we're going to spend our God-given time on?
Not the mom's in Africa that sit boiling water day after day while they agonize over how to feed their starving and crying children.
Not the many babies being abandoned and left for dead in Asia because they are the wrong sex.
Not the many trafficked girls in India who sit in a darkened room waiting for the stuff of nightmares to become their hellish reality.
Instead, we sit in our air conditioned, freshly painted houses, behind the smokescreen of social media and blare our horn long and loud. Few dare to actually venture out onto the battlefield.
Where are you? Too busy reading about the myriad of problems in our culture and society? Or have you suited up and are out tending to the sick, bringing food to the poor, visiting with the lonely, mentoring the underprivileged, and bringing good news to the lost?
Melaina Raburn, Heather and Rich Caudle, Jake Ewing, Barb and Rob Pierce, Jen and Sean Moore, Brandon and Beth Graham, Brittany Bradberry, Hannah McGlothlin, Cody Tilger, Lisa Polly...
Just a small snapshot of those who have answered the call and stepped into the arena in Taiwan, India, Guatemala, Kenya, Haiti, Ethiopia, and Australia.
Be men of valor and women of courage. It starts in your very neighborhood, out from behind the glare of your computer.
Stop fighting the inane battle on Chick-fil-A vs. Jack-in-the-Box, Honda vs. Ford, bottle vs. breast, homeschool vs. public school, Home Depot vs. Lowe's, paper vs. plastic.
Start warring on what really matter - the life and souls of desperate, hurting humans.
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