These past couple of weeks there has been an all out war raging in my heart.
As sin was revealed, I kept sinking lower and lower under the weight of it.
This past weekend found us at a Leader's Conference led by JR Vassar.
In the midst of worship Friday night, the Lord gently spoke to me. He reminded me there is freedom in His grace.
Freedom I had not been walking in. Instead, I had started to see grace as burdensome, pressing, bothersome. Like I had impositions put upon me. Like I have to do this sanctifcation by myself. Like I needed to do certain things and be a certain way to keep my righteousness.
Yet, in the midst of not wanting to worship, with a very hard heart, the Lord reminded me He loves me. He is not battling against me but instead battling against those idols in my heart. He battles on my behalf.
I was grateful for the reminder. That He is good. And in Him I find the goodness I am so longing for.
His words ring true, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28)
When I am feeling the crushing weight, I don't have my gaze fixed upon the Lord. When I look to my circumstances for joy and peace, they can never measure up.
His call is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, for years on end. He frees us from the bondage that binds us. Those chains have been torn away, giving me liberty.
"For freedom Christ has set us free." (Galatians 5:1) Yes and amen.
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