I'm a reader. Lover of words. Lover of books. Huge fan of the dictionary.
When the boys have a question about the meaning of a word? Mr. Webster is our teacher.
When I come across a word in Scripture study I don't comprehend? Again, Mr. Webster gives good council.
He's really faithful, too. Steadfast. Doesn't change.
Part of my studying includes looking up what else could be substituted in place of what is used.
You with me? All that to say - you'll see several definitions below, but it's all for a good cause.
Jeremiah 4:1 If you return, O Israel, declares the Lord, to me you should return.
What do we return to? When we believe the lie that the grass really is greener on the other side...we usually end up realizing what a farce it is.
We run off to find cleaner water, whiter sand and better food; only to become dissatisfied with what we thought would satisfy.
So we run back and forth, wavering, waiting, grasping at something that is so elusive. In all this, what is God's command?
To return to him.
He knows, oh how deeply He knows, the search we're on, hunting for that one thing to fill the black hole in our heart.
And He stands... patiently, lovingly, arms ever widening, knowing that in Him we will have true joy and everlasting peace.
But it's not a call to return and just stand passively by. No, He calls us to work. Hard work. Back-breaking work. Sweat-dripping-off-your-brow work.
Jeremiah 4:2 Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns.
Break: 1) shatter violently
2) destroy the continuity
3) tame, train
4) soften, weaken
Fallow: 1) plowed, but not sowed
2) not in use; idle
I'm in Texas so I'll use a Texas example. We've had a myriad of things going on this summer. The last thing we had on our mind was taking care of our yard. Dead grass, weeds, "stickers" better known as burrs, un-diggable soil. In other words, we left it idle.
So when I've gone to till it or dig for an herb garden, my teeth have rattled from the metal clanging on the unbroken, rocky terra firma.
It has taken sore muscles-I-didn't-know-I-had and blisters on my hand to make the unplantable plantable.
To keep the ground useable where the fledgling seeds can take root and flourish, I have to daily pluck the weeds -- the thorns that encroach and threaten to overtake the hope sprouting.
So is the story of my life; I fail, often. And the Lord calls, everytime, "To me, return."
Returning is the easy part.
Remaining there is not.
I have to sow my gifts, abilities, talents and time not among the cares and trials of this world, but in rich soil, deep and abiding, to have them grow into something kingdom worthy (Matthew 13).
I have to continually till what so easily becomes parched, hardened, idle.
And I get weary, quickly so.
Running this race, I keep my sights on Him, my mind stayed on Him. It may take years, but I all ready know my prize.
Jeremiah 4:2 ...then nations shall bless themselves in him, and in him shall they glory.
Glory: 1) exalted honor
2) splendor, radiance
And glory, honor, is what I'm after.
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