This Thursday will find me standing in front of a room full of people. Most unknown and unfamiliar to me and me to them. Yet, I will stand in front of them, sharing a brief word on why I'm there.
An hour later I will be handed a sheet of paper with the names of about twelve women I've probably never met. These are the women that for the next thirteen weeks will gather with me as we go through an intense disicpleship program called Steps.
These beautiful women, from all walks of life, will gather and bare their souls. We will share deep truths, hard hearts and merciful moments. Some will be absolutely terrified, some will be extremely excited; most all of us will find much more than we bargained for at the end of the semester.
As I've known this date was approaching the last six weeks or so, my failures and struggles become more glaringly obvious. Who am I to lead? Who am I to shepherd? Who am I to encourage?
But that's the beauty of it. None of us has it together. I am living proof that the Lord can take, break and remake into a vessel for His glory. I get to be a flawed human being helping out other flawed human beings.
There is no hiding, there is no shame or condemnation. Some will come in broken and beat down. Some will come in simply seeking. All will come in and get more of the Lord.
I'm expected to shepherd them, lead them, and love them. At times, I'll be able to fully grasp the difficulties the Lord has them walking in. With others, I'll only be able to weep with them and be grateful the Lord has given them to me for a short season.
In all of it, I keep my mind stayed on Him. If I veer to the left or right and try to take on changing hearts, it won't go well. Paul so wisely wrote, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth" (I Corinthians 3:6). Spirit filled and spirit led is my constant prayer as He is the only one that can make the old new.
Previous experience tells me there will be huge break-through's. Previous experience tells me there will be those that decide they don't want to do the hard work because their heart is not in the right place. Previous experience tells me there will be those that can conform to the external act but the inward has yet to be cleansed.
Over and over, the Lord will call me to trust Him. That He is all-seeing, all-knowing and He truly does know what is best for each of these daughters He places before me.
And as much as it is a reminder for them, I need these words constantly: That whatever season or struggle the Lord has them walking in right now, it is how He has seen best to draw them close to Him. Whether it's a time of rejoicing or a time of mourning, He works all things together for our good.
His glory is our good. One thing I can be assured of this next week is this; the Lord is mighty to save, heal and reconcile and we will see His amazing power manifest itself.
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