Monday, December 1, 2014

For the Gospel

I'm tired.
Tired of conversations.
Specifically, tired of  conversations that revolve around stuff.

The new car.  The new furniture. The new house.

I'm tired of the new and the price tag attached.

This morning, sitting with my babes, we talked about how much we have and how much others don't have, and that we were using some money to shop for others.

We have long been a part of a fabulous organization called Compassion International and every year for Christmas they send out their catalogue of gifts.

We scrolled through the array of gifts and I got stuck.  Stuck in a couldn't-breathe-sobbing-puddle-of-tears way.  They looked at me.  They've learned that when mama cries, just hold on and don't speak.

Once I caught my breath, I explained the reality of what we were looking at, what we were "buying." How it was so beyond anything my boys have ever known here in our American culture where the world is at our fingertips.

For $14 a month, a month, you can provide food for a momma and her baby.
You know what that means?

That means the momma can't feed her baby.  Not that she won't, but she can't and unless someone steps in and does something, her sweet babe will pass by the time he is 5.

I was overcome with pain.  That has not ever been my story.

We've been low before, on governmental assistance before, and while my boys may despise peanut butter sandwiches now, at least there was food.

And for one month, that same $14 nourishes, enriches, and sustains a dear momma and her weepy baby.
Shamefully, I'll spend $14 grabbing coffee with a friend. I'll spend $14 to get a sweet treat at the store for dessert that night. Heck, I'll spend $14 to get my eyebrows waxed

Ya'll.  What are we doing?  And by we, I mean I.

I'm sick of it.  Beyond sick of it.  Wondering how many of us are on the wide path heading straight to hell as we sip our no-fat, double-shot, pumpkin spice soy latte all because we've turned the other way.

I'm not saying the latte is bad.  I'm not saying the $200,000 house is bad. 
What I am saying is bad is this:
What are all those things costing you?
Are you giving for the gospel, all you have, or do you take care of yourself first and then others get the leftovers if there happen to be any?

If so... you have it backwards.

The pride in possessions and desires of the flesh and desires of the eyes are from the world.  And to love the world and the things in the world makes me an enemy from the God who has pursued me, loved me, redeemed me, changed me, and given lavishly unto me.

I want to cling tightly to the fact that one day I'll stand before the throne.  I want my hands empty and my stomach hungry.  I want to know that I gave it all to a worthy cause, a cause far beyond my 15 minutes of fame here.

So take a look:  at yourself, at the possessions around you.  You, my friend are beyond rich.
Go and see how you can make a difference to those who are the have-not's or those who have all ready given it for the cause.

Here are just a few causes that our family is a part of.  We pray deeply for these causes and have seen firsthand the beautiful fruit they bear:

Hands and Feet Orphanage
- Dear friends, Jen and Sean and their 3 beautiful babes, up and left to start a new life in Haiti.  At the orphanage, they oversee the transitional kids and have opportunity to share the gospel and prepare them for life on their own.

Sower of Seeds
- Oh, the beautiful work of SOS.  Just go take a look at what they do globally and locally in North Texas.  Seriously.  Do it.

Gospel for Asia
- I can't say enough about GFA.  The people, the love for Jesus, the purpose.  If you want to pick up a good book to read, order a free copy of KP Yohannan's book, Revolution in World Mission.  You will be convicted and encouraged.

Noonday Collection
- The purpose and vision of Noonday is beyond reason.  Read their story and you'll be hooked.  And then purchase some amazing one-of-a-kind gifts.  And become an Ambassador.

Mission Church
- We call it home.  Or rather, our home away from home.  At some point during the holiday season, everyone is giving to something.  Look at giving to a gospel-centered church plant.  You'll be glad you did.

I hope these give you a starting point.  Giving for the gospel is the best thing you can ever do.